“Internal Rotation Pitching Is Just a Made Up Name”

“Internal Rotation Pitching Is Just a Made Up Name”

“Forearm fire”, “Hello Elbow”, “Internal Rotation”, “Pitching naturally”… why on earth are there so many names for pitching and so many “styles”? “Why do you PC’s (pitching coaches) make such a big deal out of it? Internal Rotation is just a made up term.” I hear a lot of these types of comments on the…

Why you shouldn’t tell pitchers to “get open” when pitching

Why you shouldn’t tell pitchers to “get open” when pitching

If I had to pick the one thing that I would like pitching instructors and coaches to stop teaching, it’s the idea of a forced opening move with the hips when pitching. (And as always, huge shoutout to Rick Pauly because I didn’t understand this until taking his courses.) This myth is not only one…